Thursday, January 7, 2010

Word Press

I am moving my blog over to Word Press.

Find me at..

See you soon!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Day 5

Day 5
Exodus 1- Exodus 15

I'm gonna start my saying Moses is my HERO! And Pharaoh is an IDIOT! Exodus is all about the story of how Moses lead the Israelites out of Egypt. And unbelievable story with an unsuspecting hero. The story of Moses really proves that God can use your weaknesses just as much as he can use your strengths. Moses got called by God to be the guy who saved the Israelites, but his problem was that he stuttered. So Moses told God that he had the wrong guy.. That he should choose someone else for this. But God still used him. Too many times in my own life I have pretended to be strong.. to be superman.. to be that guy that had nothing wrong. But I'm NOT perfect and I have weaknesses and problems just as much as the next guy. (If not MORE!) We need to remember that God used broken vessels all the time in the Bible to do his work. (Not literal vessels.. Broken people) David is another story about using weakness.. But we will get to that in about a month!

Today I met Desperation Band. These guys are the real deal and they are changing the next generation, teaching them how to live a life of worship and to be passionate about Jesus! I also went to dinner with the top 3 Christian Blogger in the world tonight! His name is Adam Smith. This dude is a genius when it comes to social networking and connecting with people on a REAL level. It was fun to pick his brain a little bit. I don't if anyone is reading my blog but if you are you should also check out

Dream Big. Live Bigger.
Kirk Graham

Monday, January 4, 2010

Day 4

Day 4
Genesis 41- Genesis 50

One book down 65 to go!! I finished the booked of Genesis today.. It ends with Joseph saving Egypt and reuniting with his brothers. When I think about the story of Joseph and how his brothers betrayed him and sold him into slavery, it is easy for my heart to get ticked at the brothers. It is amazing how God can turn a terrible situation into a good situation. (In this case it saved the nation.) A few days ago I went to the movie "Invictus" with my Dad and brothers. It is about Nelson Mandela's election and how he turned a racially divided country into one unified working machine. Just like Joseph, God used Nelson to save an entire nation. And also just like Joseph, Mandela spent 27 years in a tiny jail cell for something he didn't do, but both of them were ready to forgive. I pray that my heart can beat like that, to forgive and forget so that I can lead like Jesus. If you want to be used by God you need to get rid of ALL bitterness, to let go of the past, and move on.

Again, I am LOVING the Message translation!

I am in Denver right now sleeping on the floor because my air mattress didn't blow up. But you know what I'm passionate about the things God is going to do this week. Tomorrow I will go to Colorado Spring for a Desperation Band event and then Wednesday Hillsong United is playing. I'm inspired just thinking about it!!

Dream Big. Live Bigger.
Kirk Graham

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Day 3

Day 3
Genesis 29- Genesis 40

Today was a good day in the Bible.. That sounds funny.. I got through the story of Jacob. I can't believe he worked FOURTEEN YEARS for Rachel hand in marriage!! (That's love!) I remember this summer listening to Dr. George Wood speak about Leah, Jacob's first wife. Did you know that it was through Leah's blood line that Jesus was born!? Unbelievable how God works like that.. Leah was treated unfairly by her husband and because of her faithfulness to God and Jacob God blessed her with having the Messiah centuries later. Also the story of Joseph just started and I LOVE this story, right now he has just been thrown in prison for not sleeping with Potifer's wife. (If you don't know what I'm talking about just read Genesis 39-40.

I drove back to Minneapolis today.. I was almost there when I heard a gunshot! (My back tire exploding!) I pulled over and this is where God worked a miracle because it was negative a million below zero out and I changed my tired in under 3 MINUTES! (I think I missed my calling as a NASCAR pit crew member.)

Tomorrow I fly to Denver to hang with Hillsong United and get INSPIRED to change the world.

Dream Big. Live Bigger.
Kirk Graham

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Day 2

Day 2
Genesis 17-Genesis 28

Can I just say that the Message translation is sick!! Especially in the Old Testament. Today's reading was like reading the greatest novel EVER. I am starting to understand what it means when the Bible says we were born sinners because of mans fall. Talk about family disfunction.. Abraham.. Lot.. Isaac.. Jacob and Esau. These are some of the juciest stories I've ever read and the crazy part is that they actually happened. Another cool thing to understand is the relationship all these Bible 'characters' had with God. They walked and talked with him all the time and He talked back! God is the same yesterday, today, and forever.. God will speak to you when you pursue Him. He is still a God who answers prayer.. so sick!!

The last two weeks I was in Whitefish, MT spending Christmas with family and doing a little snowboarding. This trip was life changing.. I already jacked for next year! We rode the train home two days ago and tomorrow I am heading back to Minnesota for a day and then on Monday I fly to Denver. I have the opportunity to meet Hillsong United, the best known worship band in the world! They have influence a lot of what I have done and want to do. They have helped show me that living a life of worship and as a worship leader is possible and not just possible but rewarding and fun. My goal is to be a worship leader until I die, if that means being in a church or multiple churches or traveling the world, I'm ready. I'm praying for God's will to be done in everything I do and I am following the call just like Abraham.. ha!

Dream Big. Live Bigger.
Kirk Graham

P.S. Enjoy this video of me leading a song written by Phil Wickham called "Always Forever"

Friday, January 1, 2010


My New Year's resolution is to read the Bible in 90 Days. I will track it all on this blog by talking about the passages I read that day. I am excited to see what I'm made of when it comes to daily devotions. It's not about how much you read in a day or how fast you read, it is that you are in the word daily, growing daily, being challenge and refreshed daily. I've never actually read the Bible cover to cover so that is how I am going to do it now. Also, I haven't spent much time reading with the Message translation so thats what I chose for the next 3 MONTHS!! Time to think like a spiritual giant and attack these SIXTY-SIX books!

Day 1
Genesis 1-Genesis 16
A great start to a great book. The creation.. The fall of man.. Cain and Able.. Noah's Ark.. Abram and Sarai. Just sick!! I can already tell that this is going to be a good 3 months!

Dream Big. Live Bigger.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009